The 80/20 Rule

The 80/20 rule. I’m sure many of you have heard of it, and some of you haven’t! It’s all about staying consistent with your patterns and staying consistent on your healing journey 80% of the time,while allowing yourself to veer off the path of health...

Building Resiliency for a Better Future

Resilience > Efficiency* Like many of us, I grew up in a world where mass scale was seen as the only possible solution for the future. I can hear my Grandfather, who was a wheat farmer in Nebraska, telling me that America must feed the world. That it is...
Setting Goals in the New Year

Setting Goals in the New Year

It is that time of the year again. Where the presents are perfectly stacked under the beautiful Christmas tree that has the most gorgeous star pointing towards heaven .. wait who I am kidding? It is that time of the year again where I am running around from Christmas...
Why you still feel like crap!

Why you still feel like crap!

I can’t tell you how many times I have heard this. “I have tried everything and I still don’t feel better. I have tried vegan. I have done paleo. I have tried this supplement. This IV and that peptide. I think I felt a little better but it wasn’t...
How We Heal

How We Heal

So what is health and how do we heal? We are all created intelligently to thrive on this planet. We all have different constitutions. We all are at different places on our healing journey, but we all can optimize our health to a very high degree to live in alignment...


Hey, Do you know that Broda Barnes estimated that 40% of Americans have hypothyroidism in 1974? And the problem is even worse now with our population’s declining health. Hypothyroidism is extremely under-diagnosed because it’s based off of the TSH level...

How much do you love yourself?

Whoaaaa I really just went there. Have you ever thought about it? How much do you really love yourself?Do you love yourself more than your partner?More than your dog?How about your kids? Considering Valentine’s day is today, the hallmark day of love, I thought...
Sleep Hygiene

Sleep Hygiene

Sleep is absolutely critical to healing. Some naturopathic doctors consider sleep as more important than even nutrition. That is why we address it so early on in the program. While we sleep, our body does the most detoxification of the entire 24 hour period. Not only...

My Top 5 Favorite Healthy Snacks

What are some healthy snacking options that you can have? Should you even be snacking at all? There are so many conflicting theories and opinions on snacking out there. Some say you can’t have snacks at all; others say you should snack all the time. Some say...