Unlock Your
Health Potential

A New Health Paradigm for Ambitious Leaders
who take Radical Responsibility for their Life
using Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Age

“Why is my effort not leading to the results I expect?”

Why do you still have digestive issues, brain fog, fatigue, and low sex drive despite the money and effort you are putting in to work out, eat well, buy supplements, and pay for cutting edge therapies?


You know there is greater potential for your health and performance. You have an intuitive feeling that the effort that you are putting into your health should be leading to more objective results but you don’t understand how to get there.


You are a go-getter. You have a lot of things figured out. In every other aspect of your life — family, finances, social, etc. — you know how to get results. You put in the work and boom, things change. Why isn’t that the case with your health?

Everything comes back normal…

You go to your yearly check up with your PCP hoping to find some answers. After all, they are the professionals. But everything comes back normal and your doctor shrugs his shoulders, even though you kinda feel like sh*t.


So you take the bull by the horns and take matters in your own hands. You start listening to podcasts during every free moment during your day, deep dive into discussion boards online, and buy expensive supplements and equipment from instagram ads.


But honestly, you don’t really have any idea what you need. With all the hypocritical information online, you don’t know if you should eat vegan or carnivore, buy a cold plunge, or quit your job and move to the Amazon for 6 months to take ayahuasca.


Back to square one. “Now what?”

The stakes are high

Ultimately, this problem is holding you back from the life that you want to live and the person that you want to become.


You can’t crush it at work when you are off your game. You can’t be the best parent to your kids when you are out of your flow. When your health is not optimal, it wears on your confidence and bleeds into other aspects of your life. It is holding you back from being your best self and you can feel that.


The stakes are high, and you are committed.


You have a sense that achieving optimal health shouldn’t have to be so confusing or complex. You just don’t know what path to take to get there.

Experience health transformation

with a long-term, sustainable, practical,
highly-individualized plan that simplifies healing

Exit the Matrix

Your sense is correct. There is another way. But it first requires a paradigm shift at a more fundamental level then you’ve been aware of.


You are like Neo in the beginning of the Matrix, who knows the Matrix exists but doesn’t know what it is or how it operates.


The first step is understanding that the society that we live in is not conducive to health.


Take an assessment of your life. You live in concrete box. Your food comes from 10,000 miles away, irradiated and wrapped in plastic. The water you drink is filled with estrogen, fluoride, forever chemicals. You aren’t passionate about your job. And you see the sun maybe an hour a day.


We take these things for granted because we grew up in a sick society in the first place. What we see around us is just “normal”— it’s just the way it is. This is the Matrix that we need to exit.

Experiencing the Vital Force

Have you ever learned something that in retrospect is so obvious and common sense that you can’t believe you didn’t see it before?


That’s what this process is like.


When you understand what health is and how your body works, you begin to see how the environment you live in is not serving your body’s needs. You begin to recognize both healthy and dysfunctional patterns in your life.


Healing is your God-given birthright. It’s the miracle of life—a mysterious, self-ordering force that is able to make babies and grow trees and heal you of anything, from a broken arm to depression to cancer.


Healing is not complicated. Your body was built with mechanisms to take care of everything. But you need to put your body in the right position for it to do so.


Once you understand this, your actions can be aligned with the Truth and results transpire naturally.

Tapping your health potential

We are going to help you shift your perspective so you know what landmines to avoid in the modern world and how to truly tap into your health potential.


We are going to get objective data about how your metabolism and organs are functioning, what toxicity is limiting your cells, nutrients you need, foods you should avoid, and lifestyle practices you should and shouldn’t be doing.


Then we are going to build a tailored roadmap to apply ancient healing principles to your life in the modern age so you align all that you do—how you eat, your routines, what you buy, even how you think—to your highest health (and life) potential.

Taking Radical Responsibility

This isn’t a cookie cutter approach where we run bloodwork, dole out pre-canned trendy protocols and generic fad diets, cross our fingers for 4 weeks, and hope for the best.


This isn’t functional medicine.


This isn’t bio-hacking.


This is a transformational program where you take radical responsibility for every aspect of your life and use our guidance, expertise, community, and experience so that you can achieve the life that you want to show up as your best self, everyday.


Are you ready?

Real People, Real Results

I’m Dr. Alex Orton.


From growing up on a standard American diet and having constant stomach aches and chronic eczema, to going through college, eating terribly, partying too hard, and decimating my physical and mental health, I can tell you, I’ve been there!


For a long time, I was frustrated to not have a plan that really worked for me. I was going from doctor to doctor, trying everything, and was sick as ever. I was missing the forest for the trees. But once I started building from the basics with a plan designed for me, my healing accelerated dramatically.


With the right framework and a custom tailored plan, it’s amazing to watch the healing process transform people’s lives. It happened for me and it can happen for you.

I’m Dr. Kolby Ourada.


Healing needs to be tailored to each person. Your healing path should help orientate yourself on what YOU specifically need.


What nutrition is ideal for you, what toxins you need to excrete, what false belief patterns you are holding on to, what fits into your day to day schedule and how to do it all and still have a life.


The reason I know that is because that is what I did to help heal my speech that all the specialists told me I could never overcome. There is hope.


Let us teach you how.

It’s NOT about whether or not you can heal. The body was made to heal.

It’s about whether you have the right framework, the right tools, the right plan for you, expert guidance, and personal responsibility.

Let us help you get there.


Our practice is 100% virtual. We do not have an in-person office.