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How to Prevent the Common Cold

Ah, the dreaded common cold. You’re cruising through life, feeling good, and suddenly—BAM—you wake up with a scratchy throat, a foggy head, and that telltale sniffle.  But what if I told you that getting a cold isn’t always the enemy you think it is? In fact, in many...

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What is a Coffee Enema

A coffee enema is a powerful detoxification therapy used to cleanse the colon and liver while stimulating the body’s natural detox pathways. This holistic practice, which dates back to the late 1800s, has been widely used in alternative medicine, cancer therapy, and...

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Conventional Medicine Works

My family celebrated the New Year in one of our favorite spots, Colorado. The mountains have a special place in my heart. I can still hear the screams from my mom to slow down as my 3-year-old self had no fear straight lining down the mountain - some things never...

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What is a Food Intolerance?

https://youtu.be/GIY7z70u79c What is a food intolerance anyway? We talk about this so much, yet we still get questions about what it really means. Allow us to break it down for you.There are many misconceptions out there on what a food intolerance is. There are so...

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The 80/20 Rule

https://youtu.be/IrIOXRjz6Zw The 80/20 rule. I'm sure many of you have heard of it, and some of you haven't! It's all about staying consistent with your patterns and staying consistent on your healing journey 80% of the time,while allowing yourself to veer off the...

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