1:1 Transformational Health Consulting

Experience health transformation with a
long-term, sustainable, highly-individualized plan
that addresses the foundation of health

It’s not a mystery why you aren’t getting results.

You are operating in a pharmaceutical-addicted medical model built around emergency quick-fix, magic pill solutions that denies the vital healing force of nature.


You are trying to get answers using generic blood work with too few variables and the wrong ranges in a disease-based paradigm run by insurance companies.


You are taking products and supplements owned by pharmaceutical conglomerates that are adding more toxicity to the body and aren’t addressing the actual problem.


You are making dietary changes and doing exercises that are driving your body into a sympathetic mode and running your system on stress hormones, only making the problem worse.


You are spending time, energy, and money with other practitioners and therapies without any philosophical framework, objective measurements to track progress, long-term roadmap, or a community that actually inspires (not drains) you.

Time for a new health paradigm.

We help proactive go-getters who take radical responsibility for their health…
who are tired of confusing and conflicting health info online…
to develop a custom-tailored health plan to transform their health (and life) in 4 months…
by tapping into traditional healing knowledge and optimizing detox, nutrition, lifestyle, and mindset.

✅ What we are:

We are your expert health guides who have seen the dark side of the health industry, personally and professionally, and know how to avoid it.


We are fellow self-healers that have overcome our own health challenges by living and breathing everything we teach in our own lives.


We operate from a traditional holistic paradigm that is built on the laws of nature and is unchanging.


We are teachers of how the healing process works, in your own body, mind, and in nature.


We are translators of the body’s symptoms, which is the language the body uses to communicate, so we know what steps you need to take each step of your journey.


We operate on a long time horizon because healing emulates nature, and nature takes time and effort to balance itself.

❌ What we are not:

We are not your primary care physician.


We are not responsible for your health.


We are not your traditional patriarchal doctor who tells you what to do and expects that you do it without question.


We are not medical practitioners that diagnoses disease, give protocols, and manage drugs.


We are not functional medicine practitioners that run thousand dollar blood panels and use supplements to tinker with the values.


We don’t chase around ever changing trends and fads that become popular online.


We don’t have miracle solutions to make you feel better in a week.


We don’t promise results because we don’t follow you around every day and monitor your actions and diet choices.

Listen to those who have experienced health transformation!

Mastocytosis is a rare autoimmune disease with no cure that typically leads to premature death. Hear about Natalie’s journey healing this serious disease through Haven’s program!

Bret is one of founders and coaches for Live Better, a health and wellness organization that helps people to optimize their life through exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle. Listen to how Haven’s programs helped him get to the next level in his training and coaching.

After dealing with chronic digestive issues, heartburn, and hives, Stephanie healed these issues through a holistic approach that addressed her daily life, sleep, diet, and mindset.

Our Guarantee:

Our program guarantees to provide you with a new perspective of health, including new information, tailored recommendations (knowing what to eat, take, lifestyle etc), and a fresh way of looking at health that exceeds any prior experience. Don’t settle for anything less.


Are you ready to go all in?

Paradigm Shift:

uncovering the truth about how our modern world is keeping you sick and the healthcare industry is about profits over outcomes. Find a completely new perspective shift so you can find radical health in modern times.


Personalized Coaching:

1-on-1 appointments to track your progress, hold you accountable, and prioritize your most important action steps specific to you and no one else. No cookie cutter fluff. Deep, transformational strategies.


Comprehensive Testing:

A completely new lens to measure your current health status biochemically (blood test), energetically (frequency testing), metabolically (pH / nervous system), genetically (food enzyme deficiencies). AKA Hyper-individualization.


Community and Education:

Be part of an uncensored, unfiltered, paradigm-altering community of people committed to making themselves and the world better. Deep dive health topics that no one wants to talk about, led by expert guests. Topics include water, EMFs, pregnancy, clothing, everyday toxins, etc.


Nutrition Guidance:

Forget all the fad diets. Supercharge your system with ancestral superfoods that are tailored for your metabolism (from plant to animal food, foods you need, foods you don’t). And where to source the best foods and products possible while avoiding all the landmines.


Detoxification Practices:

If you are a modern human, you are toxic. Find out what toxins are in your cells, where they came from, and how to open up the emunctories (channels of excretion). Welcome to crystal clear thinking.



Avoid the supplement industry corporate capture to discover the most powerful and high frequency supplements on the market so you stop wasting your money and peeing your supplements down the drain (literally).


Vitality Practices:

Reconnect with the resonant frequencies on the planet via circadian rhythm, lunar cycle, seasons, full spectrum light, electromagnetic earth field, and living water. Live like our ancestors lived in the modern world.


Mind-Body Connection:

Unload the 75 pound backpack of false beliefs and emotion baggage you have been carrying for years so that the life force can begin to flow and you can reconnect to the present moment and God.


Health Industry Resources:

No more wasting hours researching rabbit holes online. Get the most precise information from real vetted experts, including access to the best health products the market has to offer (discounts included 💲)


✔ Traditional naturopathic food intolerance evaluation that’s 100-years old and not comparable to any other food test on the market


✔ Bio-energetic frequency testing using Tesla technology to assess organ function, metabolic balance, and toxic load like heavy metals, EMFs, and parasites


✔ Functional blood analysis that recognizes dysfunctional patterns before they manifest into physical disease


✔ Metabolic typing based on your cellular pH, mineral balance, and autonomic nervous system to individualize diet from vegetarian to carnivore


✔ Modern and ancient detox routines for flushing your liver, draining your colon, and destroying parasites


✔ Bio-therapeutic cellular drainage and homeopathic remedies for supercharging detoxification


✔ Pro-metabolic/bio-energetic recommendations for youthful energy, healthy hair, and high sex drive


✔ How to source the most potent local superfoods on the planet right in your backyard


✔ Whole foods bio-charged supplementation featuring nano ionic minerals, sourced from all over the world, delivered to your door


✔ Vitality practices to tap into the energetic field of the planet through sunlight, grounding, water, and breath


✔ Breathwork practices for deep parasympathetic regulation of the nervous system and oxygenation of your cells


✔ Individualized product recommendations for home optimization including living structured water, frequency healing, detox, full spectrum light, and EMF mitigation


✔ Holistic counseling technique that feels like 20 years of therapy concentrated in one session to uncover and release false belief systems


… and everything you need to attain your greatest health potential possible

A Program Built for YOU

Haven's Proven Process

Step 1

Click the green button to sign up for a free consultation. This call is designed to understand your needs and goals and make sure that our programs are the right fit.


Step 2

If you are the right fit and this is something you want to pursue, we will get you onboarded right away so you can start your journey.


Step 3

After you have finished the orientation process and we have your evaluation results, we will design a health optimization program for your particular needs based on the 4 foundational pillars of health: Detox, Nutrition, Lifestyle, and Mind-Body. In the ongoing weeks, we will coach you through every step of the process, prioritizing action steps in the proper order for maximum long-term results.

Everything we do is individualized.  It has to be sustainable for you if you want optimal long-term health. So we will work with you where you are at. All we require is that you take radical responsibility for your actions, health, and life and be willing to do what is required to heal.