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Haven's Food Intolerance Evaluation

$425.00 USD

Tax included.

Haven’s Food Intolerance Evaluation is designed to give you definitive answers to what foods are causing you problems and how to avoid them practically and sustainably for long-lasting health.

Kiss elimination diets goodbye!

With one simple, painless evaluation, you can identify what major food groups, food combinations, and food additives that your body is reacting to, without doing any elimination diets.

This evaluation is not available on the commercial market. It’s not comparable to any other food sensitivity test that is out there. And it’s guaranteed to give you new information that you have never seen before.

With this one service, you can radically transform your digestive system and overall health, while eating a diet that is less restrictive, more sustainable, and more delicious than you thought possible.

► Easy at-home sample collection (no long blood draws)

► Beautiful personalized guide to illustrate your results and provide strategies for implementing your new diet

► Access to educational video content on our private community platform to provide the necessary resources to be successful

► Specific guides to your intolerance with recipes, tips, and product lists for a smooth dietary transition

► Community: Invitation to our private online group to ask questions and learn more about different health topics

Step 1

Once you purchase your kit, we will send you paperwork to be completed online to officially register


Step 2

When you receive your kit, follow the simple instructions to collect the sample and send back to us using prepaid shipping label provided.

Step 3

After we receive your kit and have your results, we will send your personal Food Intolerance guide through our secure patient portal and give you access to our online community.


What is a food intolerance?

A food intolerance represents an inherited enzyme deficiency. Human beings evolved in different ecological niches on Earth. We didn’t always have the buffet of options that we do in modern times.

Different groups of people developing in different regions did not have access to certain foods, so they did not develop enzymes to digest them.

These enzyme deficiencies are passed down through the generations. For this reason, food intolerances often run in families. It’s not uncommon for everyone in a family to have the same intolerance.

What foods do you evaluate?

Haven’s food intolerance evaluation assesses major food groups, hundreds of food additives derived from those groups, as well as food combinations (two food groups that don’t digest well when eaten together).

The food intolerance evaluation has been around for over 100 years. That has given us a lot of data as to the most common food intolerances in the population.

How is this evaluation different from a food sensitivity panel?

The vast majority of food sensitivity tests on the market are very inaccurate, with lots of false positives. These tests are measure antibodies present in your blood to different foods. We all have antibodies floating around our blood stream, so this is not an effective way to measure food intolerances.

There are four very common experiences that people will have with food sensitivity panels:

  1. Test positive for gluten and dairy
  2. Test positive for all the foods you eat regularly
  3. Test positive for a bunch of random foods that you don’t usually eat (like halibut, nutmeg, duck eggs, etc.)
  4. Test negative for everything

These results are frustrating because they don’t identify the true dietary culprit.

We see many patients who have tried these other food sensitivity tests for months, cutting out many foods from their diet, without success.

The food intolerance evaluation is the gold-standard for assessing problematic foods.

Food Intolerances vs Food Sensitivities vs Food Allergies vs Lectins

There are four major types of food reactivity patterns:

1. Food intolerances

The most important, since they create toxicity and inflammation in the gut, leading to malabsorption, toxemia, and immune sensitization.

2. Food allergies

Hypersensitivity reactions, mediated by IgE antibodies. These are immediate and can lead to anaphylaxis, but can diminish as the immune system heals.

3. Food sensitivities

Delayed immune response, mediated by IgM & IgG antibodies. Changeable based on the health of the immune system & gut, stress, weather, dietary patterns, etc.

4. Lectins

The least important, these are proteins that your red bloods cells can react to, causing clumping within your blood. Lectin reactions are driven by blood type.

Who can benefit from the food intolerance evaluation?

In our experience, everyone who wants to improve their health would benefit from this evaluation.

Identifying food intolerances helps to fundamentally decrease inflammation and toxicity in the body, improving gut health, liver health, skin health, hormone health, and immune health.

We have seen amazing health improvements happen across a variety of conditions and issues simply by identifying and eliminating food intolerances.

Common symptoms improved with food intolerance elimination:

  • Bloating
  • Acid reflux
  • Gas
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Joint pain
  • Inflammation
  • Chronic immune issues
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Toxicity symptoms
  • Acne
  • Eczema
  • Hives
  • Skin rashes
I already know I have food intolerances. Why should I take this evaluation?

In our experience, almost everyone is eating their food intolerance or combination intolerance, even if they think they are mostly avoiding it.

Due to modern food industry practices, food intolerances are hard to avoid if you do not know what you are looking for.

So even if you are mostly avoiding your intolerance, be diligent to avoid the additives you may still be consuming, as well as your food intolerance combination. Try it for a month and experience it for yourself.

How do I collect the blood sample?

All we need for your sample is a few drops of blood. We provide you with lancets and alcohol swabs so you can quickly and easily take the sample.

It will take you less than 5 minutes to complete the evaluation kit.

Can I purchase this evaluation for my child?

Yes! The beauty of this evaluation is that we can measure food intolerances on anyone, no matter how young or old.

Since we are not measuring antibodies, we can even evaluate food intolerances for babies who have never consumed food besides mother’s breast milk.

Most food sensitivity panels are not available for infants because they require too much blood. We only need a few drops of blood, administered through a small lancet.

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To my surprise, my food intolerance was something I was consuming every day, what I considered my comfort and “safe food”. Within weeks of applying the wealth of knowledge they equipped me with, my sleep was regulated, my mood became more stable, and most excitedly, my gastrointestinal health has nearly wholly reversed! I regained the rose-colored glasses I once had for life. I am thriving, and relishing in the tiny, but potent improvements my own body has made daily.

– Maryanne B.

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These guys are great! My life and health have been transformed by finding out food intolerances I never knew I had. Gall bladder issues finally getting solved, reduced inflammation and loss of those 10 extra pounds just to start.

– Willie K.

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Finding out our food intolerance was a game changer and helped us completely CURE our children’s eczema and constipation. The doctors at Haven look at health issues in a completely different way than any doctor we’ve ever worked with before- they look at finding the root cause for things instead of just putting a bandaid on symptoms.

– Meghan L.

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Identifying my food intolerances has been extremely helpful in improving my day-to-day health.

– Luke L.

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Through the specific food intolerance evaluation – I thought I was consuming healthy ingredients until I learned about the complex food industry and what my body specifically needs. My bloating has dramatically decreased, energy has improved, and overall well-being has skyrocketed.

-Therese S.

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Haven ran a food intolerance test, and guess what? Since i’ve cut out the foods that my body does not tolerate, pretty much all of my symptoms disappeared, oh and top of it all I spontaneously had abs in a matter of a weeks, since my stomach wasn’t bloated anymore (this is really good for those sunny summer beach days).

– Vic J.

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We then got tested for food intolerances and this is what made it all make sense to me. We were eating so many foods that were causing our bodies to be out of whack! I never knew and am SO grateful to have found this out.

-Christine K.

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Understanding my food intolerances, I have been able to go from having diarrhea several times a week to normal bowel habits. I no longer have to stay near a toilet some days to avoid embarrassment. I was also able to get off a heartburn medication that I was on for years. I no longer have heartburn and acid refluxing into my airways. Most importantly, my skin has improved. I have gone from itching everywhere every day to great skin and I no longer take antihistamines every day.

– Cheryl K.

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By learning about food intolerances and eliminating certain foods from my diet, my everyday life has been transformed.

– Michael C.

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Life-Changing. As a former member of the medical field I’ve always relied on medications and short term fixes in an attempt to solve the severe digestive issues I’ve experienced for the last 10-15 years of my life. Within a week of implementing my food intolerance results, I felt better. After a month the change was even more marked, no more nausea and very minimal issues with digestion and my gut, every month there is improvement physically and mentally (Gut health/Anxiety/Stress).

-James V.

"My dream is that every child in America would know their food intolerance."

– Dr. Otis Carroll, Discoverer of the Food Intolerance Evaluation